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Tuition & Fees at Garrett College

Garrett College tuition and fees vary, 这取决于你修了多少学分,以及你是否住在加勒特县, in another Maryland county, or out of state. 学院保留在任何时候根据加勒特学院董事会的自由裁量权更改学费和费用的权利.

Tuition rates on this page are for credit courses only.

加勒特学院认识到许多学生和他们的家庭面临着持续的经济困难. 虽然GC必须遵守州规定的学费费率公式, 我们正在使用GC学费援助补助金来缓解部分增长.
24-25 School Year
*Represents tuition cost per credit hour only; does not include $49 combined fee
学院保留以其他方式提供部分或全部教学及相关学术活动的权利, including remote delivery. 学校还保留在学期之前或学期期间,在发生健康或安全紧急情况或其他情况下,在确定有必要或符合校园社区最佳利益的情况下,更改交付方法的权利. 如果学院在任何或所有学术会议上改变交付方式,学费和强制性费用将不予减少或退还.
Garrett County Residents $99.00 Your cost per credit hour
Maryland Residents $324.00 per credit hour
-$29.00 pch tuition grant
$295.00 Your cost per credit hour
Border County Residents
Preston, Tucker, Mineral & Grant in WV, Somerset & Fayette in PA
$330.00 per credit hour
-$33.00 pch tuition grant
$297.00 Your cost per credit hour
Out-of-State Residents $422.00 per credit hour
-$41.00 pch tuition grant
$381.00 Your cost per credit hour

Special Tuition Rates and Waivers

如果你符合这些特殊类别之一,或者正在攻读某些学位, 作为加勒特学院的学生,你可能有资格获得减免学费.


  • Somerset and Fayette counties in Pennsylvania
  • 普雷斯顿,塔克,米纳尔和格兰特县在西弗吉尼亚州

来自以下县的西弗吉尼亚州居民参加了下列指定项目 eligible to receive in-county tuition rates.

Verifiable residents of 巴伯,格兰特,汉普郡,哈迪,哈里森,马里昂,米纳尔,莫农利亚, Pendleton, Preston, Randolph, and Taylor counties may enroll in the following programs:

  • Addictions Counseling (A.A.S. and Certificate)
  • Cybersecurity (A.A.S or Certificate)
  • Elementary Education (A.A.)
  • Fine and Performing Arts Concentration (A.A.)
  • Natural Resources & Wildlife Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Outdoor Leadership & Adventure Education (A.A.S.)
  • Paramedic (A.A.S. and Certificate)
  • Sport Management (A.A.S.)

Verifiable residents of Pocahontas and Tucker counties may enroll 西弗吉尼亚州互惠计划下的以下项目:

  • Addictions Counseling (A.A.S. and Certificate)
  • Cybersecurity (A.A.S. or Certificate)
  • Fine and Performing Arts Concentration (A.A.)
  • Natural Resources & Wildlife Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Outdoor Leadership & Adventure Education (A.A.S.)
  • Paramedic (A.A.S. and Certificate)
  • Sport Management (A.A.S.)

加勒特学院提供了几个已经获得马里兰州全州指定项目或健康职业短缺项目地位的研究项目. 符合所有要求标准并参加以下计划的可验证的马里兰州居民将获得县内学费.

Statewide Designated Programs:

  • Natural Resources & Wildlife Technology (A.A.S.)
  • Outdoor Leadership & Adventure Education (A.A.S.)

Health Occupation Shortage Programs:

  • Addictions Counseling (A.A.S. or Certificate)
  • Paramedic Studies (A.A.S.)


  • Maryland residents 60 years of age and older
  • Maryland residents out of the workforce due to total and permanent disability
  • 马里兰州国民警卫队人员50%学费减免(见你的单位指挥官)
  • Maryland Foster Care and Homeless Youth (click here for application)

    完整的申请和资格要求在加勒特学院目录中有详细说明,可以联系加勒特学院无家可归者 & Foster Student Liaison (Pamela Warnick) at 301-387-3012.

完整的申请和资格要求详见 Garrett College Catalog.

加勒特学院财政援助办公室可以帮助你审查你的退伍军人事务部教育福利. Click here for more information on veterans services,或致电301-387-3057联系学院的退伍军人事务顾问.
As an open-admission institution, 无论移民身份如何,加勒特学院都会录取符合条件的学生. Through the Maryland Dream Act legislation, some non-U.S. 在马里兰州上高中的公民可能有资格获得县内或县外学费(点击这里了解更多信息和详细的资格要求).

地方/州机构可能能够以学费/杂费的形式提供资金来支持学生的教育, transportation, child care, and other needs. 资助资格由该机构确定,可能仅限于某些学术专业和劳动力发展计划.

To find out if you qualify for assistance, 请与以下列出的当地劳动力中心或机构联系:

  • 西马里兰财团-加勒特学院是一个批准的 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) training provider. 这些项目的重点是为失业或需要提高技能以获得新工作的人提供培训. For more information, in Garrett County, contact 301-334-8136 or for Allegany County, please call 301-777-1221.
  • WorkForce West Virginia -- Garrett College is an approved Workforce West Virginia training provider. 这些项目的重点是为失业或需要提高技能以获得新工作的人提供培训. To find a WFWV office near you, visit workforcewv.org or call 1-800-252-JOBS(5627).
  • 加勒特县社会服务部,加勒特工程项目301-533-3000
  • Garrett County Community Action 301-334-9431
  • 马里兰州康复服务部(DORS) 301-777-2119

Tuition & Fees by Credit Hour


Garrett County Residents

Number of Credit Hours In-county

Other Additional Fees

以下是可能适用于您的额外费用(美元), depending on the classes you take, expenses you incur, and other variables.

Other Additional Fees
Registration Fee: $25 per semester nonrefundable
Housing Application Fee: $25 by early deadline; $40 by closing deadline
Independent Study Fee: $25 per credit hour
Individual Course Fees: See Course Schedule
Official Transcripts: $6 (click here)
Payment Plan Enrollment Fee: $35 (click here)
Criminal Background Check
(as required for certain majors):
Life Experience Assessments: Varies

Housing & Meals

住房和澳门足球博彩官方网址的选择在加勒特学院可通过访问 Residence Life.

For information on meal plans to the Laker Café, visit Lake Café.

More Information

Visit our Paying for College 浏览网页,了解学生和家庭可以获得的经济援助和其他资源,以帮助支付大学费用. 在这里,您还可以找到有关如何付款和付款计划选项的信息.

Cost of attendance definitions

The following categories are required by HEA, Section 472; 20 U.S.C. 107ll; and as modified by FAFSA Simplification Act PL 260, Division FF, Title VII):

  • Tuition & 学杂费-通常对承担相同学业工作量的学生收取的费用, as determined by the institution
  • Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment – an allowance for books, course materials and equipment, 哪些费用必须包括所有学生在同一课程学习所需的所有费用, 包括租金或预付个人电脑的合理津贴, as determined by the institution
  • Transportation – an allowance, as determined by the institution, which may include transportation between campus, residences, and place of work
  • Miscellaneous personal expenses – an allowance, as determined by the institution, 适用于在该机构学习至少一半时间的学生
  • Living expenses – an allowance for food and housing costs, as determined by the institution, 须由修读最少半天课程的学生承担
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